My first post

This is my first post on this blog and I thought I should write about my current favorite videogame Duelyst. For those of you who don’t know , Duelyst is a turn-based strategy game that combines elements of card-based games(like Hearthstone) and board based games (like Chess). Each game is a 1v1 battle between two online players. You choose a general from 6 different factions, each with their own unique abilities, minions and spells; and fight to reduce the opponent general’s health to 0 from 25. The games have a lot of depth and are surprisingly fast too(each match lasts for an average of 10min).

The current deck I am piloting this season, called “tempo heal ziran”, is given here. This is arguably the best lyonar deck on the ladder right now and is super fun to play too. I am also piloting variants of this deck in the ongoing team wars. I will add more details about duelyst and this deck’s playstyle soon.

Update: It was announced on Jan 22nd 2020 that Duelyst servers would be shutting down permanently :(.
